Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Morphine....and Sleep

SO, after my 4th trip to L&D last night, my contractions were 2 min apart lasting about 45 sec....which is what they should do to pop a baby out...but for some reason my lovely cervix wasn't cooperating and after 3 hours I was still only 3cm so I got to be drugged up and sent home.

This really pisses me off! The whole give the pregnant girl some morphine and not tell her she will still be feeling shitty ALL day tomorrow....evil joke! So, I am NEVER EVER again letting crazy hospital people give me anything for pain or anything in general...bastards!

So, I have been sleeping and dizzy all day and I have a headache, my whole body aches and my head is spinning........how am I suppose to take care of my kids like this!? I am VERY not happy with the whole situation! And, btw I am 37 weeks so why the hell couldn't they just do something to induce me??? I swear my doctor is on crack!

That's my ranting for today

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