Monday, October 27, 2008

Giovani Carter Martin

After all the fun my Doctor decided it would be a good idea to induce me so we went in to the hospital about 9:30a on October 19th to start the process. After HOURS of increasing my pitocin level and only dilating 1 measly cm (I started at 3 so I was 4) and after my OB got out of church...he decided to break my water then, go home for dinner. After the whole water breaking fun the contractions got worse (duh) and at around 6:15p the baby was on the move and Carter had to run out of the room to get the nurse, who got the doctor who made it just in time! Giovani was born at 6:20p on October 19th (my sis Shannon's 21st bday) he weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 19 inches long and just perfect! I feel so blessed to have my family complete and to have Vinny home. :)

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