Saturday, June 7, 2008

What is Mormon anyway?

So, growing up in a family where we weren't part of any religion really, when I found myself 18 and prego I decided that maybe it was time to pick one, and after meeting my future husband and lots of prayer and missionary discussions, I decided to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Let me start off by saying that me becoming "Mormon" was and is NOT a bad thing. However, I do have some quarrels with myself for feeling like I had to completely change who I was and am because of my religion and I started to care WAAAAYYYYY too much about what other people, especially people at church thought about me. Now I can see why so many LDS women are depressed and addicted to prescription drugs, among other things.

I really feel like within the church, relief society especially, there is this unspoken molly mormon competition going on and the large majority of LDS women thouroughly enjoy gossiping about other LDS women. So, we (and I) try to fit into this superficial mold and on sunday we make sure to dress nicely and be polite all the while judging every person in the room. And, heaven for bid if two people in suday school have different opinions on something! It quickly goes from sunday school to and all out I am right and you are wrong brawl! I just h ave to sit back and laugh! I didn't think I went to church to experience contention. Whew.... now that the venting is over....I feel better :)

The point of this particular post is that I refuse to be a "Molly Mormon". I am going back to just being Sara. I am going to dye my hair crazy colors if I want to, and I do. And, I may even add some more tattoos to my collection. Listen to punk and ska again and just be my crazy self. AND none of that makes me less worthy to enter the temple! So, HA HA HA!

We were put on this earth to be happy, and pretending to be something I am not does not make me happy!


J. said...

Sara, as a man raised in the LDS church who no longer identifies himself as mormon, I applaud your stand and your faith.

J. (Jordan's friend)

Anonymous said...

You will not be happier with yourself when you "go back to your old self". I think you are comparing yourself to others rather than to the Savior. The only thing that matters here is your relationship with Him. Molly Mormon will always exist but you are judged individually for your very own life. You are not making a stand for you are no longer different than everyone else. You are now just the same as the rest of the world. It takes "faith" to live a life against the church as well. That faith is faith in the unknown that is based on the things of this world. I'll take Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. At lease you have something to look forward to. I hope you will strive to have a relationship with your Savior through study and prayer. Your eternal life depends on it. In the end you will have nothing but your faith in the world to hold on to when things get tough (and they will). Nobody gets out of here alive!
Mary Davis