Saturday, June 7, 2008

What is Mormon anyway?

So, growing up in a family where we weren't part of any religion really, when I found myself 18 and prego I decided that maybe it was time to pick one, and after meeting my future husband and lots of prayer and missionary discussions, I decided to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Let me start off by saying that me becoming "Mormon" was and is NOT a bad thing. However, I do have some quarrels with myself for feeling like I had to completely change who I was and am because of my religion and I started to care WAAAAYYYYY too much about what other people, especially people at church thought about me. Now I can see why so many LDS women are depressed and addicted to prescription drugs, among other things.

I really feel like within the church, relief society especially, there is this unspoken molly mormon competition going on and the large majority of LDS women thouroughly enjoy gossiping about other LDS women. So, we (and I) try to fit into this superficial mold and on sunday we make sure to dress nicely and be polite all the while judging every person in the room. And, heaven for bid if two people in suday school have different opinions on something! It quickly goes from sunday school to and all out I am right and you are wrong brawl! I just h ave to sit back and laugh! I didn't think I went to church to experience contention. Whew.... now that the venting is over....I feel better :)

The point of this particular post is that I refuse to be a "Molly Mormon". I am going back to just being Sara. I am going to dye my hair crazy colors if I want to, and I do. And, I may even add some more tattoos to my collection. Listen to punk and ska again and just be my crazy self. AND none of that makes me less worthy to enter the temple! So, HA HA HA!

We were put on this earth to be happy, and pretending to be something I am not does not make me happy!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The start of a new day

Thanks to Mr Jordan for inspiring me to start my own blog! Love you TONS!

I am a Powerful, Passionate, Beautiful Woman and through my Passion I create Inspiration, Peace and Joy!

That's me in a nutshell. Well, atleast when I decide to step up and fulfill the measure of my creation, that is who I am. And, let me say that I am out of that more than I am in it.

I think of myself as a very optimistic person who always sees the potential in others. I am very open to change and possibilities. I love being spontaneous and get very bored very quickly.

As I am now 27 and pregnant with my 6th, yes 6th child. I have been thinking about what I have done with my life up to this point and about all the things I dreamed about doing, pretty much all of th ose things are left undone. I am sure some people will get a kick about some of the things I want to do, I will list them anyway....a good laugh is always nice!

Kindergarden Teacher
Be in Playboy
Published a Book
Learn how to make my own soap
Grow and can my own fruits and veggies
I want to have atleast 5 acres and have chickens so I can have fresh eggs in the mornings.
Travel the world with my kids
Go do something cultural once a week
Get my degree, I have been half way done for years!

I feel like there is so much I haven't accomplished and so much I still want to do and now I just get to figure out how to do it all. I have learned recently that if I want something bad enough, anything, I can have it. And, I am ready to start living in that space.

At this moment I am thankful for......

My kids
Great friends, Tonja, Nicole, Laurie, Jordan, and Royce. Who always love, inspire and support me no matter what.
My house
My health
Great Life